Chill Your Beans!!!!!

When Masteroast of Peterborough required their Production area cooling they approached Celsius, the cooling system had to reduce the shop floor temperatures in both the Roasting area and also in the Packing Area, where temperatures used to regularly rise above 38Co in the summer months.

The correct level of cooling was introduced using 4 no. Celsius high powered vertical discharge extraction fans and the important fresh filtered air was introduced using 4 no Celsius Wall Inflow units above and below the mezzanine floor area in the packing area.

The fresh air was introduced in the Roasting area through 4 no. Celsius Roof Inflow units, these provided a very comfortable flow of fresh filtered air across personnel and product in the area. We also installed a high level weather louvre in the Roasting tower at high level, this measured 2,000mm wide by 3,500mm high.