Data Centre Cooling Systems Using EcoCoolers for CCG Veritas

CGG Veritas first installed EcoCooling in one of its Data Centres two years ago, this proved so successful in reducing energy bills that they installed EcoCooling in two other switch room areas.  
They have recently taken the bold move and installed EcoCooling in their main Data Centre, they are the first company in the UK to have a hybrid system where some of the large Data Centre is cooled using EcoCooling and the rest still cooled using their chilled water-based refrigeration system.

They have installed ten EcoCooling units in a twin stacked system with five ducts bringing the cooled air into the Data Centre and discharging the cooled air into two cold aisles through the false ceiling.  Celsius also installed a Cold Aisle containment system to help with airflows.

The warm air is extracted through five. Celsius ceiling-mounted ducted extraction units.  There is also an Atemperation system to mix some warm air with the entering cold air for the winter conditions to ensure the racks receive the air at the correct temperature at all times.

This system is interlinked into the existing CRAC units to provide full backup at all times.  This system has significantly reduced the PUE of the facility.

Due to strict planning rules, we had to attenuate the ducting and also colour-coordinate the coolers and the ducting.

We undertook all the installation, including builders' work, pipework, electrical wiring, refrigeration work, supporting steelwork, ducting, canopy work, controls etc.  

The whole contract was installed in ten weeks into a live data centre with no disruption or downtime.

The system is controlled from a PLC system interlinked into the CRACs and building management system, operating the system fully automatically.