Data Cooling System for Games Workshop

 Games Workshop in Nottingham have recently installed an EcoCooling system to cool their Data Room, the room was previously cooled using four wall and ceiling mounted conventional air conditioning units.  

These units provided 30KW of cooling to the area but as they ran 24/7 they consumed over 130,000kW of power per annum.  

The new Celsius EcoCooling system will consume less than 13,000kW of power for the same period, saving over 60 tonnes of carbon emissions and a considerable amount of money.

The EcoCooler was installed in the plant room to the side of the Data Room and the fresh air enters the plant room through the wall louvres. The warm air is extracted through the wall fan.

In today's digital age, data centres play a crucial role in storing and processing vast amounts of information. From housing servers to managing network connections, data centres are the backbone of modern technology. However, these facilities generate an immense amount of heat, which can be detrimental to the performance and longevity of the equipment. This is where data centre cooling systems come into play.

Understanding Data Centre Cooling Systems

Data centre cooling systems are designed to regulate the temperature and humidity levels within a data centre, ensuring optimal operating conditions for the equipment. These systems work in conjunction with other infrastructure components, such as power supply and networking, to maintain a stable environment. By dissipating the excess heat generated by servers, cooling systems prevent overheating and potential damage to sensitive electronic components.

The Challenges of Heat Management

The need for effective data centre cooling systems arises from the challenges associated with heat management. As the computing power of servers increases, so does the amount of heat produced. The concentration of equipment in a confined space further exacerbates the issue. Without proper cooling mechanisms, the temperature inside a data centre can skyrocket, leading to equipment malfunction, data loss, and even system downtime.

The Role of Air Conditioning

Air conditioning is one of the most common methods employed in data centre cooling systems. It involves the use of precision cooling units that utilise refrigeration technology to remove heat from the environment. These units work by drawing in hot air from the data centre, cooling it, and then recirculating it back into the room. By continuously monitoring and adjusting the temperature, air conditioning ensures a consistent and controlled climate for the equipment.

Evaporative Cooling for Energy Efficiency

In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on energy-efficient data centre cooling systems. Evaporative cooling is one such solution that has gained popularity. Unlike traditional air conditioning, which relies on refrigeration, evaporative cooling utilises the natural process of evaporation to cool the air. This method consumes significantly less energy, making it an environmentally friendly and cost-effective option for data centres.

The Benefits of Effective Cooling Systems

Implementing efficient data centre cooling systems offers numerous benefits for both the facility and its operators. Let's explore some of these advantages:

  1. Optimal Equipment Performance: By maintaining a cool and stable environment, data centre cooling systems ensure that servers and other equipment operate at their peak performance levels. This results in improved processing speeds, reduced latency, and enhanced reliability.

  2. Energy Efficiency: Effective cooling systems help reduce energy consumption within data centres. Energy-efficient technologies, such as evaporative cooling, can significantly lower electricity bills and contribute to a more sustainable operation.

  3. Longevity of Equipment: Overheating can cause irreversible damage to sensitive electronic components. By providing adequate cooling, data centre cooling systems extend the lifespan of equipment, reducing the need for frequent replacements and associated costs.

  4. Prevention of Downtime: Data centre downtime can have severe consequences, including financial losses and damage to a company's reputation. Cooling systems play a vital role in preventing overheating-related failures and minimising the risk of unplanned outages.

  5. Scalability: As data centres expand and upgrade their infrastructure, cooling systems can be easily scaled to accommodate the growing demands. This flexibility allows for seamless expansion without compromising the performance and reliability of the equipment.

Innovative Solutions in Data Centre Cooling

The rapid advancements in technology have paved the way for innovative solutions in data centre cooling systems. Let's take a look at some of these advancements:

Liquid Cooling Systems

Liquid cooling systems have emerged as a promising solution for data centre cooling. Instead of relying on air as the heat transfer medium, these systems use liquid, such as water or coolant, to absorb and dissipate the heat. This method provides more efficient heat removal and allows for higher-density server configurations.

Direct-to-Chip Cooling

Direct-to-chip cooling involves placing cooling elements, such as heat sinks or liquid-cooled plates, in direct contact with the chips in servers. By eliminating the need for air circulation, this method provides more efficient heat transfer and reduces the risk of hotspots.

Hot Aisle/Cold Aisle Containment

Hot aisle/cold aisle containment is a design strategy that separates the hot and cold air streams within a data centre. By isolating the hot air exhaust from the cool air supply, this approach improves cooling efficiency and reduces energy consumption.

Renewable Energy Integration

In line with the global push towards sustainability, data centres are exploring ways to integrate renewable energy sources into their cooling systems. This includes utilising solar power, geothermal energy, and other clean energy alternatives to reduce carbon emissions and lower operating costs.


Data centre cooling systems are essential for maintaining the optimal performance and reliability of equipment in the face of increasing heat generation. From traditional air conditioning to innovative liquid cooling solutions, the industry continues to evolve to meet the growing demands of data centres. As technology advances and energy efficiency becomes a top priority, we can expect to see even more innovative and sustainable cooling solutions in the future.

For more information on data centre cooling systems and how they can benefit your business, please contact us today for a free consultation and site survey.