In early 2022 Celsius Design installed two EcoCooling systems and two extraction fans in a data centre at Dorset Council through Convergence Group. Atemperation sections were also fitted to mix some of the warm air with the entering cold air for the winter conditions to ensure the racks receive the air at the correct temperature at all times. The system is controlled from a master control panel which is interlinked with the existing CRACS to ensure a fully automated system.

It’s been calculated that the whole installation will pay for itself in less than 18 months and go a long way to meeting the Council’s strict Carbon reduction targets. A spokesperson for the Council announced the payback time is currently on track and confirmed an annual saving of £44,000.

The area was previously cooled using two standard DX CRAC systems providing nearly 50KW of cooling. The Council are expecting to save thousands of pounds on the running and servicing costs of the new carbon-friendly system.