EcoCoolers for Pharmaceutical Warehouse

Admedsol, a leading wounds and dressing manufacturer, contacted EcoCooling and Celsius back in 2017 to look at cooling their new warehouse in Cheshire. 

They required an environment which maintained temperatures between 5 and 25 celsius all year round, adhering to the MHRA regulations (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency).

After the success of the initial install, Admedsol got back in touch with Celsius three years later to look at more cooling for their main (much larger) warehouse which, like the first install, would need to adhere to the MHRA regulations and maintain a temperature between 5 and 25 celsius.

To maintain these conditions Celsius installed twelve EcoCooling roof-mounted evaporative cooling units, linked to twelve Celsius roof-mounted extraction fans, each system controlled by its own time clock and thermostats.

Similar to the first install Celsius also fitted a temperature mapping system using nineteen remote rack-mounted sensors and one external sensor, all readings can be viewed over the internet and detailed logs are kept using the Celsius system.