EcoCooling and Celsius extraction for Aberystwyth Council

Aberystwyth Council have fitted two Celsius EcoCooling units and two Celsius extraction fans to their head office Data Centre. Their electricity usage figures for the first couple of months indicate that it will pay for itself in under two years.

The area was previously cooled using two standard DX CRAC systems providing nearly 50KW of cooling and costing many thousands to operate and maintain. Initial running cost figures show an annual saving of over £17,500.00, they are also expecting to save several thousand pounds on the servicing costs of the system, as the EcoCooling system is far easier to maintain.

Celsius undertook the complete installation including power and water supplies with no downtime in a live Data Centre. 

The EcoCoolers are mounted on the 15m high roof and ducted down the front of the building in colour-coordinated ducting.

The below graph, provided by the Council, clearly shows the savings made when the EcoCooling system was commissioned and the CRAC systems switched off.