Following the success of the installation of 7 no. EcoCooling evap coolers in the ‘Wet box’ production area at Butchers Petcare (where the actual product wascooked, minced and canned), they then wanted to cool the main production area, this was an area the size of 3 football pitches, incorporating a packing area, warehouse area and a despatch area.

This area regularly reached temperatures of over 35Co in the summer months and made normal working almost impossible. The solution was the installation of 23 no. Celsius high level powered extraction fans, each providing over 25,200m3/hr of positive powered extraction, removing both heat and humidity from the production area. The fresh air is drawn into the area through a system of 17 no. Large (2m wide by 3.6m high) adjustable wall
Louvres with an insect screen to maintain the high hygiene standards in the area.

An EcoCooling unit was also installed to provide some spot cooling by one heat emitting machine. Celsius undertook the complete installation with no downtime in a live Production area. Butchers were very impressed with the performance of the Celsius engineers and the resulting environment that they created, as the temperature drastically reduced in the area.