Leeds Met Uni have recently installed another system of EcoCooling in their UPS room adjacent to their Data Centre.

They had install a system of 9 no. EcoCoolers in their Data centre two years ago and this system has performed very well for them, saving a great deal of carbon and running costs.

As well as installing the EcoCooling we have also removed the existing air conditioning system and replaced this with a modern Mitsubishi wall mounted system to provide N+1 resilience for the Celsius EcoCooling system.

Celsius undertook the complete installation including power and water supplies to the EcoCoolers.
The whole installation was undertaken with no down time and a minimum of disruption.

The whole installation will pay for itself in less than 18 months and help in lowering the Universities Carbon footprint.

The use of the Celsius EcoCooling system will mean that the existing CRAC units have an extended lifespan due to their minimal usage.