Nutrition Works Contact Ventilation System

Nutrition Works is a well-established and UK based manufacturer who specialise in formulating and manufacturing nutrition-based gels. Their managing director, James Harrison contacted Celsius to look at various ventilation requirements for their main production facility in Nottingham.  

For the washroom Celsius installed 1 EcoCooling system which was balanced with 1 Celsius wall mounted extract fan. This system provides over 35kw of cooling and prevents the build up of warm humid air 
created by the existing processes.  

Celsius also installed a series of extract systems in the neighbouring packing area. Celsius installed 1 general extract fan for the whole area plus 2 ducted process extract systems which came with flexible arms to allow staff to position directly over the packing process to prevent the fine dust from spreading across the general area.

Since the extract systems have been installed the packing area is noticeably cleaner and much more comfortable for personnel.  

All work was undertaken during normal working hours, causing no disruption to the sites daily operations.