POW Hospital, based in Ely, contacted Celsius to look at an alternative cooling solution in two wards that currently suffer from high summertime temperatures. 

Each ward used to be cooled by four 5kw air conditioning units, creating a combined cooling capability of 20kw. However, these systems were not only coming towards their end of life but also awfully expensive to run.  

Celsius designed and installed a suitable cooling system, where 1 EcoCooling unit was fitted into each ward, each system providing over 35kw of cooling. The EcoCooling system not only provides over 40% more cooling than the current air conditioning system but also runs at a fraction of the cost.  

Each EcoCooler in this application is estimated to save over £2,600 per annum and over 12 tonnes of Carbon per annum

One huge benefit EcoCooling has is that it is a fresh air system, whereby it introduces fresh chilled air and replaces the existing warm air, unlike AC systems where the air is just re-circulated, potentially spreading smells as well as bacteria and infection. 

Since the outbreak of COVID-19, it has never been so important to minimise the risk of spreading infection.

Celsius undertook the complete installation including power and water supplies to the EcoCoolers whilst both wards were in full operation.