Shop Floor Cooling: GSM Automotive

GSM Automotive in Brecon, Wales, a key supplier to Jaguar Landrover, were experiencing exceptionally warm conditions on their shopfloor and this was affecting production and making working conditions very uncomfortable. 

To remedy the problem Celsius installed two. EcoCooling evaporative coolers with two roof mounted Celsius extraction fans.

Both systems are controlled from individual controllers, incorporating timeclocks (so free cooling at night can be utilised) and thermostats.

They were considering using air conditioning to cool the area, however, the EcoCooling system will cost less than £195 per annum to run, a massive saving compared to trying and cool such a large area with Air Conditioning which would have cost over £3,266 per annum to operate.

In industrial settings, maintaining optimal working conditions is essential for both the productivity and well-being of employees. One crucial aspect of creating a comfortable environment is effective shop floor cooling. By implementing efficient cooling systems, businesses can ensure that their employees can work in a pleasant and safe environment, even during hot and humid conditions.

Why Shop Floor Cooling is Important

Industrial environments are often characterised by high temperatures, machinery-generated heat, and limited ventilation. These conditions can lead to discomfort, reduced productivity, and even health issues for employees. Shop floor cooling systems provide an effective solution to combat these challenges by regulating the temperature, improving air quality, and enhancing overall comfort.

Benefits of Shop Floor Cooling Systems

Implementing a reliable shop floor cooling system offers several benefits, including:

  1. Improved productivity: Excessive heat can cause fatigue, reduced concentration, and decreased productivity. By maintaining a comfortable temperature, shop floor cooling systems help employees perform at their best.

  2. Enhanced employee well-being: Working in hot and uncomfortable conditions can lead to heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Cooling systems ensure the well-being and safety of the workforce.

  3. Equipment performance: High temperatures can negatively impact the performance and lifespan of machinery and equipment. Shop floor cooling systems help regulate temperatures, preventing overheating and maintaining optimal operating conditions.

  4. Cost savings: Efficient cooling systems can lead to energy savings by reducing the need for excessive air conditioning or ventilation. This can result in lower utility bills and improved sustainability.

Different Types of Shop Floor Cooling Systems

Various cooling systems are available to meet the specific needs of different industrial environments. The choice of system depends on factors such as the size of the facility, the type of machinery used, and the level of cooling required. Some of the most commonly used shop floor cooling systems include:

1. Evaporative Cooling

Evaporative cooling is an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly cooling method that utilises the natural process of evaporation. This system works by drawing in warm air, passing it through water-saturated pads, and releasing cool air into the environment. Evaporative cooling is particularly effective in dry climates and can significantly reduce indoor temperatures.

2. Air Conditioning

Air conditioning systems are widely used in industrial settings to regulate temperature and humidity. These systems work by extracting heat from the air and cooling it down using refrigerants. Air conditioning provides precise temperature control and is suitable for environments where specific temperature requirements need to be met.

3. Ventilation

Ventilation systems promote airflow and air exchange in enclosed spaces. They help remove stale air, control humidity, and introduce fresh air into the environment. Proper ventilation is crucial for maintaining a comfortable and healthy working environment and preventing the buildup of harmful gases or pollutants.

4. Spot Cooling

Spot cooling systems are designed to provide localised cooling in specific areas rather than cooling an entire facility. These systems are ideal for industrial environments where heat-generating machinery or workstations require targeted cooling. Spot cooling can be achieved through the use of portable air conditioners, fans, or cooling vests.

Success Stories: Shop Floor Cooling Implementations

Several businesses have successfully implemented shop floor cooling systems, resulting in improved working conditions and increased productivity. Let's explore a few examples:

1. Arburg Ltd: Two-Phase Air Conditioning Installation

Arburg Ltd, a leading plastic injection molding company, sought to create optimal working conditions for their operations. They opted for a comprehensive air conditioning system that included evaporative cooling and extraction. This system ensured a comfortable temperature and efficient heat removal, contributing to enhanced productivity and employee satisfaction.

2. Aberystwyth Council: EcoCooling and Celsius Extraction

Aberystwyth Council's head office data center required efficient cooling solutions. They chose to install Celsius EcoCooling units and extraction fans to maintain ideal temperatures and prevent equipment overheating. The implemented system not only ensured a comfortable environment for employees but also enabled significant energy savings and reduced carbon footprint.

3. Motorola: Data Centre Cooling with EcoCooling

Motorola, a global technology company, prioritised reducing their carbon footprint and energy consumption. They partnered with Celsius to install over 30 EcoCooling systems in their data centers across the UK. This initiative allowed Motorola to achieve substantial electrical cost savings while maintaining optimal cooling for their equipment.

4. Shop Floor Cooling for Machine Shops

Machine shops often face challenges related to heat and oil mist generation. Shop floor cooling systems, such as evaporative cooling, have proven to be highly effective in these environments. They not only improve the overall atmosphere but also help reduce oil mist, keep machines and floors cleaner, and enhance product quality by maintaining stable machine temperatures.

How to Choose the Right Shop Floor Cooling System

When selecting a shop floor cooling system for your industrial environment, it's essential to consider several factors:

  1. Facility size and layout: Assess the size of your facility and the layout of the working areas to determine the most suitable cooling system.

  2. Cooling requirements: Evaluate the specific temperature and humidity requirements of your processes and machinery to select a system that can meet those needs.

  3. Energy efficiency: Consider the energy efficiency of different cooling systems and choose one that aligns with your sustainability goals.

  4. Maintenance and support: Evaluate the maintenance requirements and availability of support services for the chosen cooling system to ensure smooth operation.

  5. Budget considerations: Determine your budget and consider the long-term cost-effectiveness of the cooling system, including installation, operation, and maintenance expenses.


Implementing effective shop floor cooling systems is crucial for creating optimal working conditions in industrial environments. By investing in the right cooling solutions, businesses can enhance productivity, improve employee well-being, protect machinery, and achieve cost savings. Whether through evaporative cooling, air conditioning, ventilation, or spot cooling, finding the right system tailored to specific requirements is key. Learn from the success stories of other businesses and make informed decisions when choosing a shop floor cooling system to create a comfortable and productive working environment for your employees. Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help you find the perfect shop floor cooling solution for your business.